Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Initial Traffic4England Release 1.01 out

Finally got round to uploading the app to Google Marketplace. The main thing was to get it out and guage peoples' reactions over time. Also monitoring system performance/load and looking for new features and enhancements to add.

If you'd like extra features, improvements, bug fixes or just want to leave a comment, feel free below.


  1. Can you check that it turns off the GPS correctly when it exits, please? When I quit, the GPS icon goes from the top status bar, but reappears after the phone display has turned off and on again (i.e. tide out and been 'woken up' again). Leaving the GPS on kills the phone!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We're currently looking at releasing a minor GPS fix very soon. The improvement will add an icon to the Traffic4England title bar so you know when the app thinks GPS is on and off. The default behaviour of the GPS is to check every 2 1/2 minutes for a change in position. We try to keep the GPS load light because we are aware of the power concerns, and we feel there's not a great deal of value in updating the traffic info location if you've travelled less that 5 miles. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. Thanks for that. Does that mean that once I start the app, it will run in background, pinging the GPS every few minutes, or does it shut down and go away once I return to the desktop?

  5. The fix will mean that GPS for the app is only active when the app is in the foreground. Switching away will disable the app GPS lisener which gets re-enabled when you switch back. Worst case scenario you can set GPS to manual in the app, then you're sure that its off (with the version that will likely come out later today :-)) I'll post some release notes to the blog as well which will hopefully make things clearer.
